ACV-CSCIASIA.ORG, JAKARTA – Encouraging the implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD), the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSBSI) held an audience with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkumham RI) on Thursday (04/04/2024) .
This is in order to find out more about government programs related to Business and Human Rights, especially the Business and Human Rights Risk Assessment (PRISMA) program under the Directorate General of Human Rights, Ministry of Law and Human Rights. PRISMA is an independent application program to help business actors analyze suspected risks of human rights violations caused by business activities.
Director of Human Rights Cooperation, Hajerati, S.H., M.H. On this occasion, he said that this Prisma is regulated in Presidential Decree Number 60 of 2023 concerning the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights.
“In the Presidential Decree, what activities are regulated and reported to the government, national and regional task forces, including NGOs. The Prisma created in the application covers not only large and small business actors. However, it is still voluntary or voluntary.” Hajerati said.
There are approximately 300 companies that have currently filled out the Prisma application voluntarily, and will later receive a score, for example green is good, red is improvement. Indicators include human rights policies and other policies that protect human rights.
“From the labor side, apart from increasing building capacity, we also hope that companies will make regulations that are friendly to human rights. We can collaborate, we are open, working together with labor unions and their members. We can visit, or invite our team.” she explained.
Elly Rosita Silaban, President of KSBSI, on this occasion appreciated and thanked KSBSI for accepting the audience.
“We appreciate the government’s response in this hearing, and hope that what is on the workers’ agenda can synergize with the government’s agenda, especially in implementing human resource development in business and human rights.” Said Elly Rosita Silaban.
Elly Rosita Silaban added that recently the Japanese government invited the Indonesian government to discuss how to make human rights and business work as they should.
“For this reason, our visit here is to find out more about government programs related to business and human rights. And we will use this as good practice for Indonesia in international forums involving workers.” said Elly.
On the same occasion, Maria Emeninta, a representative from KSBSI, added that previously in July 2023 at the KSBSI international seminar before the 9th CONGRESS, the issue of HRDD was one of the topics.
“Mrs. Sofi Alatas from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights was one of the speakers, after that contact was lost, Prisma information also disappeared from the media. That on April 18, we will again hold a regional seminar in Jakarta. This meeting will be a positive thing, especially the Prisma initiative.” said Maria Emeninta.
The HRDD issue is an issue that we have focused on for quite a long time. However, Indonesia is still behind Thailand, Japan and Vietnam which have advanced on HRDD issues.
“We don’t know exactly what happened, especially in this Prisma, and we hope and it is not impossible that in the future Indonesia will be at the forefront in raising business and human rights issues, at least as a first step to further promote this issue.” she hoped.
Also present at the hearing were Rasmina Pakhahan, KSBSI Treasurer, Dian Yudianingsih, Chair of K2N. (RED/Handi)