ACV/CSCi Asia Informative session in Siemreap
ACV-CSCIASIA.ORG, KAMBODIA – During a regional workshop on “Climate Justice and Adaptive Social Protection” being conducted in Siemreap, Cambodia just end of September recently, ACV/CSCi Asia takes opportunity to held an information session about ACV/CSCi regional program in Asia.
The event was organized by INSPIR Asia and World Solidarity Mondiaal (WSM), on series of thematic workshop on Occupational Safety and Health, Climate Justice and Adaptive Social Protection from 21st of September and ended on 29 September.
A meanwhile ACV/CSCi Asia also conduct an informative working session gathered participants not only its partner unions such as KSBSI Indonesia, CLC Cambodia, KMU Philippines and NGWF Bangladesh but also other union movement such as GEFONT Nepal and NDWF India.
Maria Emeninta, the regional coordinator program for Asia elaborate the 3 main topics within the program such as Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD), Just Transition and Digitalization included Artificial Intelligencia (AI) and how its approach within union partner’s program in Asia.
On of related activity has concluded last year as garment human rights due diligence assessment in 3 brands of NIKE, H&M and C&A executed by 4 union organization from Bangladesh, Indonesia and Cambodia.
During sharing the summary finding, response of participants shown that gaps between supply chain of garment has in place and situation getting worst year by year. The 3 brands is only one sector studying and ACV/CSCi Asia program plan to continue the study to different sector to see the situation at the field. Some feedback proposed from the floor in line with the program is to follow up the possibility remedies as also the prevention further bad practicing within supply chain. (RED)