ACV-CSCIASIA.ORG, Phnom Pehn – Maria Emeninta, ACV-CSC International Regional Coordinator for ASIA said the importance of synergy in promoting decent work to achieve sustainable development has been conducted in Cambodia last 9 May 2023 at Cambodiana hotel Hotel, 313 Preah Sisowath Quay, Phnom Pehn, Wednesday (10 May 2023).
The seminar is the first synergy activity between partners of Thematic Joint Strategic Framework Decent Work (JSF DW) and the Geographic Joint Strategic Framework (JSF) Cambodia under Belgian Development Cooperation program 2022-2026. As is well known, the Belgian DW JSF organizations active in Cambodia are: WSM, ACV-CSC International, Oxfam.
Within the global development agenda, the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda is a key goal to be achieved sustainably and leave no one behind. “The importance of decent work in achieving sustainable development is highlighted by Goal 8 of the SDGs which aims to “promote sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”, explained Maria.
Also the Belgian government decided to promote decent work around the world, making it a priority issue in development cooperation policies.
Starting from the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) decent work agenda, the situation of decent work in Cambodia and the experience of JSF DW partner organizations in Cambodia, the seminar wanted to present ideas and ways to integrate elements of decent work in programs, projects and organizations.
As Visal Tan & Chan Chhorvy Sok (OXFAM) mentioned at the beginning of seminar, this global goal is strengthened by specific targets on the provision of social protection, elimination of forced labor and child labour, increased productivity, handling youth employment, SMEs and skills development, is an indispensable response to the economic and social the needs of the people and government everywhere.
During interactive session led by Bismo Sanyoto (WSM) & Maria Emeninta (ACV-CSi Asia) that explored participant understanding about concept of Decent Work while also to provide pictures of employment trend in Cambodia and its important to continue to centralize this issue into the participant work. Its interesting that all constituents and partners realize the importance of decent work at their diversity of work and will look for effort to integrate it in the future, just like Yasmine Dene from APOPO, one of Oxfam partner who impressed it.
Gender, Occupational, Safety and Health (OSH) and Social Protection was elements to be elaborated as example of Decent Work implementation in this session through a panel session lead by Maria Emeninta (ACV-CSi Asia. Heng Chenda (CLC), Sythieng Tuy (CFSWF) shared trade union experiences and strategies to take up this topic as to implement the decent work for workers.
The seminar ended by feedback and reflection by Koh Jie Yu (ILO Social Protection Program Manager) and Stijn Sintubin (ACV-CSi Belgium) expecting the more conducive labor and union movement in Cambodia, government and employer built better relationship with trade union and support from all parties particularly existing NGOs to achieve decent work era in the country. (RED/Handi)